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All kinds of parties are prohibited in the school. Bringing sweets to celebrate birthdays are also prohibited in the school.
Students are advised not to bring cash and valuables to school. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
Habitual negligence of school work, dishonesty and obscenity in word or action, insubordination or other such acts of misconduct will be seriously dealt with.
Using CD's pen/flash drives, digital music players without the permission of the teacher is strictly prohibited.
Mobile phones and cameras are not allowed in the school premises. (Refer to CBSE circular No. 2 dated July 29, 2009)
Loitering on campus during school hours is strictly prohibited.
Students who stay back for activities allowed by the principal, should be accompanied by the respective teacher and also with the consent of the parents.
Students are forbidden to take part in any political or other organizations likely to result in violence or communal disturbances.
No books, other than those prescribed, may be brought into the school premises, without the permission of the school authorities.
Any damage done to the school property will be charged from the students. The decision of the Principal/HM regarding the amount to be paid shall be final.
Every pupil should endeavour to keep up the high standard of the school, by excelling in every sphere of academic life. Pupils will not be allowed to bring articles which may cause and                            prove as a source of disturbance.
Parents/Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interact with the teachers during school hours.
Gifts (in cash or in kind) to the teachers is not allowed without prior consent of the principal. Collection of money for any purpose whatsoever is discouraged without the prior permission                      of the principal.
A record of the address of parents/guardians is maintained in the school office. Any change should be promptly informed.
The school management reserves the right to add or amend any of their rules and the same shall be binding on the parents/guardians and pupils.